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The Corporate Startup

Successful Corporate Innovation

Corporate Innovation is more important than ever. An innovation lab brings innovative technologies and solutions to your company by uniting knowledge, skills and network. The Corporate Startup tells you how. In a successful innovation lab, people from different parts of your organisation work together. These different parts of an organisation often create value for your customers and users in their own way. The presence of people from these different parts ensures synergy and maximum value created.

In a successfully functioning innovation lab:

  • Is enough space to form creative ideas
  • Are ideas validated
  • Are ideas transformed into profitable products

This implies that your organisation must be set up in such a way that ideas can emerge and be exploited. In The Corporate Startup, you will read about the elements that influence how organisations manage challenges around innovation. It describes five elements that contribute to developing a successful corporate innovation ecosystem. The innovation thesis, the innovation portfolio, the innovation framework, innovation accounting and innovation methods.

The Corporate Startup

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