Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster

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Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster

Are you tired of developing products that don’t make a real impact? Are you struggling to create value for both your end-users and your business? Look no further than the Agile Product Manifesto, which can help your product development team create value faster.


  • The original Agile Manifesto
  • Values of the Agile Product Manifesto
  • Principles of the Agile Product Manifesto

The original Agile Manifesto is outdated

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. The original Agile Manifesto, while revolutionary in its time, is now outdated. Its focus on creating features above creating value has led to teams developing products that don’t solve real problems or meet the needs of their end-users. The Agile Product Manifesto by David Pereira et al. addresses this issue head-on by placing a greater emphasis on creating value for both end-users and businesses. That’s why we at GlobalOrange adopted the principles of this manifesto to deliver maximum value to our customers (companies that have a SaaS product or Online platform at the core of their business). The main principles of the Agile Product Manifesto and the difference with the original Agile Manifesto are described below. Do you already apply these principles?

Values of the Agile Product Manifesto

  • Simplicity over perfection
  • Pursuing goals over executing project plans
  • Understanding the problem over thinking of solutions
  • End-user needs over stakeholder opinions
  • Measuring results over assuming impact

Although there is value in the items on the right-hand side, more value is placed on the items in bold.

Building upon the values above and those of the Agile Manifesto, David Pereira and others propose the following principles to guide product development:

Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster

Download the Agile Product Manifesto in PDF:

Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster


  • Creating value for end-users and businesses is what defines success
  • Frequently reorient to what creates value
  • Embrace uncertainty. Be bold to ask for forgiveness instead of permission
  • Saying NO unlocks focus to deliver valuable solutions
  • Make assumptions and validate them as fast as possible
  • The key to innovation is to take small risks enabling learning and evidence based evolution
  • Measure business metrics and focus on improving them beyond monetary results
  • Keep the Product Backlog clean. Backlog items age like milk, not like wine
  • Craft a go-live strategy early and work backwards
  • Know your customer and users! Every product has both
  • Bond cross-functional teams around the product vision, where everyone is responsible for outcomes
  • Product teams are empowered by top management

To benefit from this manifesto, step back from your work, reflect on your scenario and share your thoughts with people you work with.

Want to know more about how best to integrate the principles of this manifesto into your business? Contact us and we will be happy to think with you.

Understanding the Problem before Thinking of Solutions

The Agile Product Manifesto values understanding the problem before thinking of solutions. This may seem like a small shift, but it makes a huge difference. By taking the time to truly understand the problem at hand, teams can address the root cause and create a solution that truly meets the needs of the end-user. This leads to a better product and, ultimately, greater impact.

End-User Needs over Stakeholder Opinions

The Agile Product Manifesto also values end-user needs over stakeholder opinions. This shift in mindset ensures that the product is being developed for the people who will actually use it, rather than for the stakeholders who may have their own agenda. By putting the end-user first, teams can create products that truly make a difference in people’s lives.

Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster

Measuring Results over Assuming Impact

But creating value for end-users is only half the battle. The Agile Product Manifesto also encourages teams to measure results over assuming impact. By focusing on data-driven decision-making, teams can ensure that they are creating value for the business as well.

Apply the updated Agile Product Manifesto to create value faster

Download whitepaper (Dutch): Succesvolle SaaS-producten ontwikkelen

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So, are you ready to make a real impact? Adopting the Agile Product Manifesto can help your team create value sooner and make a greater impact for both your end-users and your business. Take the first step and give it a try – you won’t regret it! I can tell you our clients love this manifesto now they’ve noticed the value we can deliver by adopting the principles.

Want to know more about the Agile Product Manifesto or how best to implement the principles in your business? Then get in touch with us!

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