Do you play just for fun, or do you play to win? Strategy is not complicated, but it is difficult. Because it forces people and organizations to make specific choices about their future; something that doesn’t happen in most businesses. In ‘Playin to Win’, A.G. Lafley (former CEO of Procter & Gamble) and Roger L. Martin (strategic consultant) get to the heart of strategy.
They explain what it’s for, how to think about it, why you need it and how to get it done. And they use their own success story to do so: together they have doubled P&G’s sales, quadrupled its profits and increased its market value by more than $100 billion in just ten years.
Based on their years of experience, in this book they show how leaders in organizations of all sizes, can drive daily actions with larger strategic goals. Lafley and Martin have created a set of five essential strategic choices that will give you an edge over your competitors:
- What is our drive to win?
- Where are we going to play?
- How are we going to win?
- What capabilities must we have to win?
- What management systems are needed to support our choices?
‘Playing to Win’ describes a proven method that has worked for many of the most successful brands and products.
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